Saturday, January 9, 2016

Our Times

Hello everyone! I know that it's only been two days since my last post - not very me-ish. Usually, it will take me a month or even a year or so to publish a new blog-post, that is how I am very good at procrastinating. But since there is no law saying 'thou shall not post a new blog immediately after the last one'', I'm going to take this chance to share something I recently watched (or maybe advertise a movie).

Thursday, January 7, 2016


This is a story of a real person-not me, not you.

A certain girl was fond of a boy. This girl set her eyes to this boy who happened to have typical physical assets, nothing special. But this boy has many achievements, without knowing it the girl was intimidated by him. Seeing him is a joy and an agony at the same time. The joy of feeling his presence is enough to sustain her life span, but it kills her every time that no words of appreciation for each other's presecence is coming out of their mouth generated by their brains full of words.