Sunday, December 20, 2015

10 Signs That You're Falling for The Wrong Person

Have you been in love with  someone, but it didn't work out? or are you having a crush for someone but it seems so hard to have him? or is it taking too long for your crush to notice you? or something bad is always happening whenever you try to court your crush? Maybe it is the way of the universe telling you that you have fallen or you are falling for the wrong person. Here are some signs that might help you to know if you have a crushie for the wrong person


When a person tells you that s/he loves you is just so sweet, but if you only met him/her that day and he tells you s/he loves you, DON'T FALL FOR IT, GO RUN!



I understand that you are not in a relationship so you have crush for others, and you are desperate (well, not that desperate) in finding a person that is so perfect for you. But that person happened to have a girlfriend/boyfriend already. We understand you’re vacant and he’s/she's not. Again, YOU are single, but he/she is NOT. Please understand that also.


Does the saying 'love is blind' familiar to you? But other people don't fall for the inner beauty, they fall for the looks, and maybe you are one of them! Let’s get real here ( I MEAN SO REAL) when did the heart had eyes? The love should be felt by the heart. If you fell just for the looks, here is an easier tip to have him: take a picture of him and go fantasize that picture  EVERY DAY.


When you thought that a famous/popular person is more attractive than the others. So, basically you just fell for him/her because he/she is famous. Maybe, you also have personal interest, like dating the popular kid will make you popular also. YOU ARE A FAME CHASER! Stop it!


This is the moment when you thought what someone did for you was something special but then he/she is also doing it for others. You thought that he/she was being kind to you because you think you are special to him/her and you fell for it. But then that person is just really kind to everyone. 


You have a massive crush on an artist (singer/writer/actor/model/etc.), and that artist has been running in your mind EVERY DAY, and when you’ve seen a good looking guy/girl your subconscious automatically decided that guy/girl looks just like your idol.

OH MY GOD! YOU LOOK LIKE (name of your idol)!...... more like 


You have actually fallen for the person who has a good heart but then he/she will always say “I love you as a friend/sister/brother” “I care for you because you are my best friend/friend/ you are like a family to me.” OUCH!  Just OUCH!


Remember the story of the tree who gave everything to that one person just to have his attention, and that person didn’t even give his attention to the tree. So more likely the tree was just noticed when the person needed something. If by any chance that you are that tree and the person that you are falling for is like the person in the story, you might want to rethink about your feelings.

You know too much of everything is not good, right? But it’s not that bad to fall for someone that is perfect; you’re not a Plan B for him/her and you’re not being used by him/her. I mean both of your feelings for each other are mutual. Oh, how sweet, it’s so perfect. You falling for him/her, he/she falling for you…falling..falling..falling..fai..failing failing..uh oh! what’s happening look at your grades/output in your work they’re all failing.
 When you thought you put time doing your work for school/job, think again, you might have allotted much time to your guy/girl than your work. Remember that if a person loves you he/she will care about your studies/work also.

10.·         THE UNDERSTUDY

Have you been in a Play? Or watched a play? Every chosen person for a particular role has an understudy. The role of the understudy is when if something bad happens to the character and can’t make it to the play the understudy will take the role. So basically, the understudy is just a back-up plan, number two, plan B. So, are you an understudy of your crush’s girlfriend/boyfriend/crush?

I know this is not 100% reliable but if you thought that something is wrong about that person you’re falling for you might want to reconsider these signs.


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